Thread: Stolen Valour?
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Old October 31st, 2017, 12:49   #14
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Danger Zone
I would definitely suggest this person show their bona fides if he's going to be involved in your group over time. If he's a faker then yes that stigma will rub off on the others he's associated with.

The core of this activity is to honestly call your hits. If you come in the door with a mindset like this and a false CV you're not welcome.

Unfortunately for him so many have come before him and done this that the presumption of innocence isn't applicable. When you make and extraordinary claim you also must supply ironclad proof.

Whatever name you have for it impersonating a member of the military (or a firefighter, or police officer) never turns out well. It's a typical con man back story used to gain respect and traction that leads to further lies, thefts, and other unhappy endings.

If the guy is a real Vet then kudos to him and welcome to the sport but if he's that guy with "a bunch of gear in a storage locker and a hazy past" then hard pass. Before you know it he's selling this NVG with cash up front and then driving down to the locker on the weekend to get it. Then you know what happens next.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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