Lost and not found - Nightfall 6
Hope you all had a good time at nightfall 6.
I unfortunately had a run of bad luck:
I dropped two items, and could not after thorough searching, locate.
Both items were dropped in the north western side of the field.
First was a black tornado grenade, salmon pink tape with "PHANTAX" written on it. (Faded)
Second was a WE G17 gen 4. Red trades, fiber optic sites, in a green serpa holster. Its a very identifiable pistol.
I spent hours searching for these items. I have ruled out the possibility that the were lost in grass somewhere. I retraced steps and searched everything multiple times and even had some people help me. Someone picked these items up, and they were not returned.
It would really be sad if someone were to find items like this and not return them, this is supposed to be a honor sport. If you may have picked these items up or know who, and they for whatever reason ended up on a drop pouch or at the bottom of a lot bag, I don't give a shit. I just want them back and will be extremely grateful if anyone had information that could lead to their return.
I managed to find loads of loot while searching through the field and it all made it's way to the lost and found. Please take a look in your kits to see if these items may have accidentally made it back home with you.