A: there is supposed to be resistance: not normal to ruin a brand new gun by filing the mag feed lip at the whim of a sibling; so stop, stop oh for the love of god stop.....
B: read response A: STOP!, don't file shit
go ahead and just throw away those CrappyTire/Princess auto bb's and invest in some quality ones like Elite Force, or ANY BB PURCHASED FROM A REPUTABLE AIRSOFT RETAILER
The problem is with your piece-o-shit BB's
Also, go ahead and google how to clean your gun of the filth you threw through it, or go pay someone to clean it......those bb's are like arsenic to airsoft, and will leave nasty dust in the rifle that will only gunk up your gun quicker, and cause more heartache
also, go ahead and get age verified, will open up a plethora of knowledge and help to you in you future mishaps!
Last edited by St. Ides; May 23rd, 2017 at 23:33..