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Old May 9th, 2017, 17:56   #19
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Scarbororororough
Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
I had a guy bitch to me about my HK45 sales thread about how I said "I never use it" with "anymore" implied. Dunno why he was bitching so much when he had no intent to buy and I had the condition of the gun accurately depicted with up to date high quality photos.

I think you can call the gun whatever the fuck you want as long as the condition and amount of use is accurately described, photos included. I might list a gun for sale at some point that literally only left its original box for meme photos and some upgrading - am I honestly gonna trigger some people by saying it looks new but I've upgraded the internals?
Aiyaaaah give it a rest Z. The guy was a douche and people are cheap af. They're jelly you got a gun that isn't a Glock that actually makes theirs look like Nerf guns.
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