If it's al older marui, part of the issue might just be that it's time for a tune up. Cleane out, re-greas and reshim.
Either way, like ThunderCactus said, if you want to push the high end of things and build a WMD of a gun, 40+rps at high FPS, a new gun is going to be a better option.
If you just want to replace old parts and keep her around or just above stock FPS, hand her off to a reputable tech and tell him what you want. He'll clean her up, do the work and get her going like new.
Definitely worth getting the work done if you like the old gun. Some people have issues with the materials, wobble or creakiness of TM, but they're fantastic guns. I wish I'd never gotten rid of my TM P90.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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