That one looks of better quality than the first but I would still recommend against buying it. Anything that comes with pouches is typically not going to be great.
The latest philosophy in plate carriers is to go smaller and lighter, as small as possible while still being able to hold plates. The Crye JPC is a good example of that newer style. Your links are a repro of an older bulkier design (CIRAS). The added bulk is not desirable, especially in CQB it will get hot and restricts movement. The first piece of gear I bought was very similar and I regretted buying it almost immediately.
Closed top pouches (though they can sometimes be removed, or tucked behind) are going to be less effective for CQB they're meant for field play where you want better retention and protection. They slow down mag changes. In CQB speed is crucial. Typically in CQB you want something like an open top with bungee retention, fast mag, blue force ten speed, or HSGI TACO (which can all be used in the field too). I think you'll also find those big GP pouches are not very useful in CQB. You don't need water, snacks, the kitchen sink; those things can be left in the staging area. All you're going to need is quick access to spare mags and grenades if you have them. You're really best off buying a blank low pro carrier and buying pouches to suit your needs, as you go. That way you'll have something tailored to what you want, and you aren't paying extra for a bunch of pouches you aren't going to be using, only to buy more later on. You'll be just fine starting out with a blank carrier and a triple mag shingle until you get a better idea of what you want/need.
Especially in CQB you want to promote faster easier movement, in airsoft you don't need plates, which is why my suggestion to you is to just getting a MOLLE chest rig to start. It's a small investment while you figure out exactly what you want. Any pouches you buy for it can be transferred to a plate carrier later on.
If you're set on getting ACU/UCP pattern you're limiting your options, it's an older unpopular pattern discontinued by the US Army. Something to consider, coyote brown or ranger green, that would expand your options in both what you can get and what it can be worn with.
Last edited by Kozzie; March 20th, 2017 at 22:44..