1.5-2x zoom in airsoft pricing would be really shitty quality. The glass will be bad and the eye relief will be bad. You'll spend more time trying to get a sight picture with the bad eye relief than you will actually aiming. I had a 100$ magnified optic for airsoft 1.5-6x shortdot from visionking. It was a huge disappointment. I had to go into lower end real steel optics to get what I wanted. The utg accushot scope is heavy compared to others but the glass is really good for the price... you can find them for around 200-250.
I find I use it at almost no magnification or max magnification. I almost never use it anywhere between the 1.25-4.5x.
Everything else I use is no magnification. You should be able to see 50-60m before losing sight of the bb with the naked eye. 2x mag is pretty useless in that regard... especially at the price you'll need to pay to get anything worth using that you won't end up throwing at a wall cause it sucks.
The reflex sights I use are metal, they've taken shots to the frame without issue. One took a shot to the glass and popped the metal retaining frame out. Another one was dropped on the floor and the glass cracked. It still works fine. They're pretty cheap, whether or not you want to pay the same price as the optic is worth for a shield is up to you. The little airsoft ones are pretty shitty, they'll break after a shot but at least you can reuse the mount and cut your own polycarb to put in.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.