Old school airsofter considering GBBR - questions about FPS, reliability.
Hey folks,
Considering grabbing a GBBR for the upcoming season, but also to practice ( for a canuck, it's as close as I'll get ) some run and gun courses of fire on my property.
Years ago (8-9) GBBR's were ( as I saw it ) very much a luxury item and many saw lots of frustrating technical problems. Have these issues been basically ironed out?
FPS limits used to be set at a hard 300. Basically all of these shoot at 400-445ish out of the box. How would I go about dialing that down?
Off the shelf, will major manufacturers GBBR units be good to go?
What kind of maintenance is required for these units?
Looking at the WE 416 as it's closest to my RS AR, any outstanding issues I should know about?