Its a bit more complicated then that.
You also have to cut the m-nub so that it makes FLAT contact with the r-hop patch , since the arm is at an angle. You also might have to position the m-nub slight off center depending on your hop to get it to make straight contact depending on the tolerances of your hop-up unit.... all of which oyu can only figure out once you resembled it... so gluing and un-gluing...tons of fun.
Originally Posted by Janus
Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
Originally Posted by Latvian291
This is one of the funniest things I've read.
Commandment 1 of LMGesus: Fuck getting kills. That's the job of your teammates, otherwise known as the cannon fodder. Your job is to be scary.