ordered an MP5K upper receiver from TW. wonder if it'll get past customs without being checked. from what I've read from posts, lower receivers are usually restricted but that applies for the M4s whereas MP5 uppers are restricted since the serial is on the upper.
I ordered a full MP5K in sept and took 2 months before getting it since it was detained at customs. some scopes and other accessories got through within 2 weeks and wasn't checked. I'm taking a chance with the MP5 upper because I'm hoping the package would be small enough that customs wouldn't notice and so they won't inspect it.
the general concern is that since it's just the upper and if they inspect it, there's not gonna be any documentation that shows it shoots over 366 FPS and will be even more problematic than the MP5K that got held up for 2 months lol
Last edited by NAAZ; November 25th, 2016 at 14:10..