Originally Posted by BioRage
That's your answer.
$293 USD for a non-trademark body, $400 USD for a licensed body sounds about right.
You pay more for trademarks, look at the VFC AEG's, anything H&K is immediately double the VR16 lineups.
well from proactstore, all of their items are 10% cheaper than HK based retailers if not more. this retailer carries ALL of VFC's products including aftermarket parts that are made by VFC. most other stores would have to custom order aftermarket parts from VFC and are not in the online catalogue.
the MP5K that I got was from airsoftglobal (based in HK). the base price was $320 USD. that price was what convinced me to buy the gun with added FPS mod to shoot over 366 FPS. I should have known the reason it was that cheap though was quite possibly due to the lack of trades.