Originally Posted by Danke
VFC does that all the time; their AEG SCAR was a good example. That was back when some CDN retailers would buy in the USA and resell in Canada, you could tell who by if their guns had the trades or not.
He got it from Airsoft GI and maybe they're just sending no-trades to North America now. I've bought from them in the past though and had stuff come that was fully marked.
I'm gettng my stuff from proactstore.com from now on. Seems like no one knows about the place but it's a TW based retailer that deals with manufacturers like VFC very closely. I contacted them and they can get me an upper for around $100 cad. I'm vouching for this store because most items are cheap and they communicate with VFC which is also based in TW.
Their price for VFC mp5k? 293 usd. Ehobbyasia or even redwolf equivalent would run for about 400 usd. My guess for its cheap prices is that they don't have to ship to HK for sales so they skip the other bs fees.
As for the trademark issue, I read that HongKong is tightening its regs on tms, while Taiwan can still sell products with trades.
Originally Posted by Sequential
This is a newest gen with no markings on it. You might have got the America version, where VFC makes a batch that is shipped directly to US retailers so they don't get caught with infringing on US Trademark Laws. Right now SOME airsoft guns with full trades won't make it to US unless they have been specially granted admissibility with trades. Otherwise, most VFC stuff from US is missing the full trades.
If you want the full trades you need to buy it directly from Asia.
btw I did order the MP5K from Asia. probably an HK retailer which I mentioned above has some sort of copyright issue currently.