You don't have much to do on the hi-capa really. A better hop-up rubber or r-hop would do it. Buying a high quality barrel would help a bit, but the ratio of extra accuracy VS price is not that great. If you absolutely want the best accuracy possible and money is no problem, grab a laylax/nineball or pdi stainless steel barrel and you are good to go. A 6.01 or 6.03 barrel will also increase power a bit, which can add to your range if you have a great hop-up setup. There really is not that much that need to be done on a TM hi-capa.
Over time, the only other problem you might encounter when shooting long range is a bit of side spin, so you can bend the hop-up arm a bit, and if it still gives you trouble, you can get a stainless steel hop-up arm. If you have trouble lifting heavy BBs with a non-rhop setup, you can get the maple leaf ?-key (letters change from gun model, maker, etc, they have many keys) and it will help push harder on the BB to give it more hop, or you can just fashion one yourself.
That's all the basics required to get it to fire really far for a pistol. Then, a stronger hammer spring might help on colder days, but it reduces gas efficiency. Some people swear by high-flow valve on their mags, while they do increase power some, they further reduce gas efficiency. It's up to you to decide if its worth the trade-off.
Is that enough to out-fire AEGs? For stock guns, yes, but its never going to stand up to high end, well tweaked full auto rifle.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.
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