awesome thanks for the input
Originally Posted by _Whiskey_
I would go for the KJW 1911 over the TM. KJW works well in its stock form, I've owned several KJW pistols and they run well and are solid. I would go TM if you want to build a gun and make it to your own as they have the largest amount of aftermarket parts.
ok i kinda want to try i think ill get a tm hi capa 5.1 (new) to mod out over the years, along with the used kjw 1911 kit i found here
btw, im looking to mod the 5.1 for performance & range of accuracy...not so much looks....i dont really care so much for lasers or lights (i got great vision, just need it to shoot well), ideally want it to out fire most aegs if im really going to put money into it after guying new stock...lots of info round here on 5.1 mods for me to dig throu tho