the lube is for the mag seals, nothing else. Without lube they may dry out and leak. The lube is bad for the hopup bucking in almost all instances, it will either cause you to lose hop effectiveness because of less friction or in the case of kwa rubbers, it swells the rubber so that you get misfiring.
I lube a half/quarter load of gas probably once in 20 mag uses or if I'm storing or not using the gun for a while, and then before I use the mags again I will generally vent the gas that's in them and load unlubed gas for shooting.
In the case of tm mags, nothing will prevent the mail seal between the halves of the mag from leaking. They'll just leak no matter what after a while.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.