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Old October 25th, 2016, 20:13   #11
Amos's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Japan
So I decided leaving things stock wasn't good enough. Being that the internals are a hastily assembled mess courtesy of the now CYMA owned CA factory it was time to take things into my own hands... Oh and the inner barrel of this guns was the WORST condition inner barrel I have ever seen. Full length scratches that made the inside look like rifling... I'm amazed I was able to send a BB as far as I was able to for the past 5 games.

Went from poorly constructed brittle blue plastic CA parts to a mixture of Laylax (Prometheus) and Firefly parts! 280mm inner barrel all the way up to a 380mm 6.05 Prometheus inner barrel. It should be MUCH more consistent.

Currently waiting on a set of shims and a Prommy cylinder head, TM EG1000 and a stock TM hop-up unit.

I want to slap a mosfet in here... but I've been out of the game for a while... Any suggestions on a FET? This gun will be kept under 328 FPS (Legal limit for this country) and run on 7.4 Lipo.
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