Sorry to sound like the bad guy but you may have to swallow this one.... or take a bat to the location and get your stuff back.
I work for the bank and i will keep it simple. The banks are in it to protect the Customer i.e. end user and not the retailer. If you take the flip side, how many times has a retailer screwed over the end consumer? (not saying you guys are bad i have purchased thing from you and it was amazing) there are more instances of the Customer getting screwed then the retailer hence your not really protected at all.
It sounds like, for you, he used his own card and but filed a dispute with the bank / CC company after the statement came out and claimed fraud on his account. At this point the person who was assigned to investigate his claim deemed it fraud, and the bank went after the money. (yes investigators are idiots)
after that a variety of thing may happen to close the case, but as for recorse you my not have any.
If you really want i can ask and find out can you dispute the dispute but i dont think so.