The sole advantage of a widebore over a tightbore is they foul less quickly. So unless you're pumping hundreds of rounds out of your gun in a game, or plan on never cleaning the barrel, you can go 6.01 to 6.03 without worrying about diminishing accuracy.
Barrel length won't make any difference in a bolt action, but it and the bore will affect joule creep.
Having to leave your end cap off means there's a misalignment issue. Find it and fix it, then you can leave the end cap on.
At a distance of 12" (for example) between the end of your inner barrel and your end cap, you should be able to shoot through an 8mm aperture no problem.
Don't go cheap on the bolt action upgrades. Cheap parts like angel custom are far more trouble than they're worth.
The PDI piston and V-trigger are a good upgrade. Hard to really "upgrade" the cylinder; if it already seals well, then it's already perfect. What more can you really ask for? lol
Only thing you need to grease is the compression area of the cylinder and the outer shell.