My Baby wall

G-spec ( timberwolf in process , hop up chamber in machine shop for fit in the G&G spiral outer barrel )
ares svd-s (spring )
SVD A&K spring custom
AY svd
Svt40 custom with scope ( svd A&K spring )
svt40 custom ( svd a&k spring )

My fonctional SVU spring custom with the svd a&K base .Wait the scope rail for posp.

top: G&G kar mecanic in the mause wood body
PPs kar98k gaz with g&g scope
vsr10 custom kar98

well vsr10 with airsoftpro internal and 303mm ,6.03 inner barrel , custom supressor .

Sniper level 2 ( 8 august 2015 )
ww2Qué axis scharfschützen.
A&K svt40 (2),A&K svd , A&K svd Lynx part custom, pps kar98k .