Originally Posted by nemesis_83
Originally Posted by surebet
Well, the thread started off good, and this specific TM clone seems to be worth some attention.
I say, mods, chop the last two pages of the thread! ;-)
Agreed, I will take a pic when I get the gun delivered to me in a week.
Cut the BS up top out and lets continue the discussion of the UTG MP5
How come almost all forums show some sort of support for this gun, yet you guys are so quick to judge it yet you have not experienced it first hand?
This isnt some 39.99 special off ebay, it costs 100 - 119 USD, meaning its only about 100 USD cheaper than the TM, the only real difference is the muzzle is made out of plastic.
everything else is pretty much the same in this gun.
I would buy one just to see how it fesses up to my TM MP5A5.... :cheers: