I read your thread on Glocks. I have a TM G17. The full Guarder enhanced kit seems interesting. I would like your opinion. Also, do you have a favorite store for upgrade parts? I want to upgrade my G17 properly and I'd like buy parts that fits at the first try since I'm not an expert. By any chance, do you know a place I can buy a full upgraded new Marui G17?
At first the PGC slide seems interesting, but they stopped manufacturing it I think. Is there a place I can find the kit or does Guarder upgrade there slide so I don't have to modify it.
This is the kit that I think I will buy based on your post:
1- PGC slide (black) (will try or I'll go with Guarder. I want an easy fit)
2- PGC outer barrel (will try or I'll go with Guarder. I want an easy fit)
3- Detonator sights
4- Guarder steel magazine catch
5- GunsModify slide catch
6- Guarder frame
7- Guarder 150% recoil spring and guide
8- Guarder hammer spring
9- For the inner barrel, I really don't know.. Do you have suggestions?
10- For the floating valves, any suggestions that fits easily?
11- Airsoft Surgeon Enhanced Muzzle set
12- Nine-ball Hop-up rubber
13- AIP TM Glock 17 BBU Housing
What do you think of these upgrades?