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Old June 10th, 2016, 00:02   #10
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
Sounds like a lot of american bullshit tech blabber to me.
#1 point that gives away the fact he doesnt know what he's talking about is he thinks pistons can cause suck back in high RoF builds.
At 300fps it takes a BB less than 65ms to leave the barrel.
At 60rps thats a 166ms cycle time
And it takes around 30ms for the piston to come all the way forward
That leaves 35ms for the BB to leave the barrel while the gear train is taking 166ms to do a full cycle
There's no suck back. There's a loss of lressure at best but no way in hell you'll ever be able to create a suction force to stop the BB in the barrel to cause a misfeed.

Furthermore, if he thinks that is whats causing misfeeding in high rof builds, then he doesnt understand high rof builds.

I have a simpler explanation that makes a hell of a lot more sense;
Its easier to aim a longer rifle than a shorter one.
Your own personal accuracy is going to be better with a 30" barrel rifle thats hard to swing around versus a 9" barrel rifle thats pointing all over the place.

If his theory had any ounce of truth, then a pistol with a 3" barrel would be very easily notably less accurate at 160ft than a 16" rifle. And yet it's not.
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