Holding my SR 25 which is very close to an actual M110 weight I quickly learned to rely on a sling for prolonged use. Slings and travelling light are things I have found work. I play a "Sniper" style; well a sharpshooter style more so with an aeg until I make a final decision but I am finding tat travelling light, no vest, nothing to go clang as you run make the world of difference in the field when one is trying to be sneaky sneaky.
Patience is paramount, situational awareness in all regards is key as well.. don't just assume no one is in that building. Clear it to be sure. It has saved me more than once.
I agree communication is key.
Its not what you have its how you use it. A personal quite of mine I like to use.
Most importantly there are all the ex military or active service man that use airsoft to stay in practice while not on active duty. Do not take things too seriously. Have fun with it. At the end of the day ... its a game that has varying degrees of skill and athletic abilities.
Most importantly be a good sport. That to me is number one.
My two cents in things I learned while playing.
"Its not what you use but how you use it"
G&G TR 16 556wh mbr
PDI M24 400~ FPS
Colt 1911 Stock