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Old May 16th, 2016, 17:13   #3
willing to perform services in a dark alley that may or may not leave you satisfied for a title. GFE = 1, looks = 2, BBFS for an extra $50.
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Location: Never gonna let you down
Cycle the action dry without a magazine and check that the safety works. Switch to semi auto, pull and hold trigger and cycle the bolt back making sure the hammer resets and does not follow the bolt home. Switch to full auto and pull and hold the trigger dropping the hammer, when you cycle the action back the hammer should reset and stay back until the bolt is a few millimeters from closed.

Function test will let you know if you have gremlins in the lock work.

I suspect worn sears in the case of the OEM trigger box causing the runaway or fitment issues in the case of the aftermarket one.

Hope this helps

good luck!
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