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Old April 6th, 2016, 07:23   #4
ShadowTwoSix's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Langley, British Columbia
I use TM P226 mags exclusively. They do indeed fit and they fit well (at least in my KJW)! They are a tighter fit but have absolutely no movement whatsoever making it feel like the mag and grip are all one piece. On the flip-side, they don't free fall when doing on-the-fly tactical mag changes.

Nice thing about the TMs though is that they're almost maintenance-free. I've had mine for 2 years and so long as I keep a little bit of gas in them when stored (common GBB maintenance technique), they've never leaked.

Lastly, TM also has an extended P226 mag conversion kit available just in case you like running that CANSOFCOM-esque extended mag look!
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