i thouroughly enjoyed their demonstration of "gas blow back"...
Also... they have one of the most AMAZING Asahi M40A1 rifles in their collection...
Does anyone know where I might find a bigger image of the casings they use to propel their BB's?
I've been brainstorming a way to do just what they did for months now, and I can't seem to come up with a design that doesn't have some kind of deeply rooted fundamental flaw.
for those of you who don't know what i'm talking about
http://www.scaar.at/airsoft/m40.htm <-- that's the rifle
http://www.airsoftplayers.com/m40a1/m40a11.asp <-- that's the review
Partway through that review are a few scanned pages of the Asahi manual, including a cutaway image (schematic) of one of the casings...
I can't seem to see it clearly enough to sketch it out larger, and I don't possess the knowledge necessary to enlarge and enhance that picture enough to actually see it.
Ideally, i'd like to enlarge the picture, and then get the labels on it translated.