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Old March 13th, 2016, 01:15   #3
RainyEyes's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Scarbororororough
Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Turn on some hop. You need some on to keep the BB positioned in the hop unit.

Or, you may need to check the hopup rubber and/or replace it.
I can drop a bb into the hop-up unit without it falling out. I have to wrap my mouth around the chamber (ew right?) and blow HARD for it to go out.

Strange thing is that I went to Chrono this at a field and the bb's kept rolling out.

When I get HOME, I find that it shoots every shot without fail and some blue-residue from a gasket sealer is on the cardboard so... I think it had something to do with the air leak.

Not sure if it's a combination of this residue gunking up something in the cylinder or if it was because it's cold. Will definitely do more shooting in the morning to test this out. For some reason one of the bb's got chopped in two or it double fed or something...

Thanks for the reply, Styrak! Any more advice is greatly appreciated.
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