Originally Posted by Trendkilla
The only proposal you could offer would be 100% profit. You could probally charge 150 to 200 for a milsim easily. And if that AO could hold 1000 players 500 a side. (not sure on that number) . You do the math, If you found someone who is in insurance lets say its 10000 or 20000 for that. Say 8000 for gate security and game control that would leave $ 142,000 profit. The right big wig would jump all over that. Nice to dream :P
A professional proposal, as in with an executive summary, and sales projections, a strategy for liability, etc. and regulatory compliance controls, etc.
And yes, bearing in mind this would be for like, a season. Two tops.
"He resisted. I asked him to comply."
"Telling him to 'eat it, bitch' is not really a request."