Originally Posted by daishi
Two kids being idiots. Kick them off the field, call their (probably shit head, or absent) parents.
This tarring and feathering has gone on for to long and has done nothing but left a sour taste in everyone's mouth. Why are we parading this around to further the exposure of two idiotic children?
Lets cease with the finger pointing and gloating that we are better then two misbehaving minors, and move onto positive things. Continuing this thread will bring nothing positive (increase views of said video(s), contribute to negative comments and bickering ect).
May I suggest a lock?
I love how your post keeps using the word "two" - yes the kid who got shot was a dick with the patch burning and shit talk, but it's not on the same level as premeditated desire to cause someone physical harm.
The situation demonstrates lack of maturity from both parties, but the video demonstrates behavior that is unacceptable anywhere, period. As a community I feel the vast majority of people say "Yeah we don't stand for this" and that is exactly the response that most people are giving.
We, as Canadians, don't have the power to influence the Airsoft community in California, but we can send a strong message to our local players saying "This sort of behavior will not be tolerated,
period.." This video is precisely what Airsoft is not and should never be, and thus it has value.