First of all : Hello fellow snipers
I'm new here so I'm gonna present my 'junk'
I hope the link works.
I wasnt sure about sniping. So I've decided to start cheap. With a used well L96. I liked it.
so for now, it as:
- a metal cylinder
- new spring, piston etc in it
-metal trigger
-barrel spacer
-little twikking everywhere for better seal et solidity.
And Im not gentle so its an homemade suppressor for the look but mostly for the protection of the gun. Its just an empty plastik suppressor to absorb the shocks hehe. And for now, it works fine.
She work surprisingly nicely for a cheaper. lots of range and really constant. but she's also to strong on the FPS side. So now, Im waiting on new parts to try to downgrade it a little and still shot decent.
I have really took measure, but I outrange my friend ares msr. And I had no problem to adjust my scope at 100 feet. And after that, to shot a plastic bottle at that range. But she's also at 550fps
if you have any tips for me, feel free to say.