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Old January 1st, 2016, 00:47   #1
Join Date: Oct 2014
Battery getting hot

Hi All ! I got an issue on my G&P metal gear box here , so need help from you all .
My problem is after when I open up my gear box to fix the compression problem , after I install them back and do the test found that its get hot very fast on my battery and the motor too , I just do some shoot only mb around 5 to 10 on semi and auto .
May I know why is that happen ?
What I do is to change the oil ring on the piston , cos its completely no compress at all , though that is the oil ring getting hard in shape and also not big enough so I just buy another iol ring put it on , and the oil ring that I buy is a bit bigger size then the original one , but its not too big just a bit bigger that's all , but I did try it using hand to pump it , its get in and out very easily , no need to push hard , so is it still no good for that ?
sry for my kind of bad English and hope you all know what I mean tks .
Happy new year to you all .

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