Originally Posted by FAZR
Are you a purist?
Because from what I've seen and read, CSOR wears and uses whatever they see fit. So technically speaking, you can choose whatever gear to run unless you're trying to do a impression of a specific operator.
I'm borderline a purist. While there's always the "SOF can wear anything" rule, I try to play closer to true authenticity of things as much as I can as I consider it also a form of respect I'm paying to them. That aside, I do mix in slightly my own elements of slight creativity to my own liking but within realistic/reasonable bounds so I have a healthy mix of originality/persona in my kit, along with practicality, and realism in it. Of course it then becomes fun to share my story as it's got its own backstory or effort that I've put into it, kinda like how sometimes I read posts of members sharing their stories of obtaining a kit or building a gun, which is always quite fun.
Anyways I'm rambling off but yeah back to what you're saying, I'm kinda trying to create a kit that I feel identifies with the characteristics of specific units, namely the CSOR and CAG in this case. (I like the secrecy and elitism of CAG, while CSOR cuz I'm Canadian) I happen to have a HK 416 and C8A3, and I felt CPC, or Crye, is much more a CAG thing, so if CSOR uses it too, then it's the best of both worlds. I'm also slightly more into the beefy ruggedness(my last vest was the RAV) and slightly on the rarity index too, so CPC (which I'm getting tomorrow) seems to match it. I do like the 6094 too but since that rig is going at a decent price, I might consider buying the real thing in the future. That said, I'm not into anything lighter than the 6049 such as JPC, FCPC, or other newer vests that's starting to look very skeletal.