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Old November 20th, 2015, 09:59   #13
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Originally Posted by waylander View Post
I did RC for 10 years before starting airsoft. I exclusively use lipos in my AEG's and I'm not sure what hassle you're alluding to. Why would contacts be burnt prematurely and the gun jam because of lipos?
Correct me if I am wrong, but the increased amperage/arcing time (due to the fact that previous nimh batteries did not always provide enough current to the motors to operate at their 100%) causes the contacts to "burn" quicker. This is specially true in my case because I mostly do semi-auto shots. Also, for quick-firing in semi auto the gearbox sometimes can't keep up and jams. This was back when I used a stock Classic Army AUG in 2010, so perhaps lipo-ready AEG's don't have this issue. I know that MOSFETs do fix most of these issues.
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