Originally Posted by Drakker
100m is outside the range of airsoft guns (except a very few high FPS super tweaked guns). This is like saying a .22 round is inaccurate because you can't hit a target at 1.5km like you could with a .50 round.
There is a video of a guy hitting a 100m target with r hopped rifle at ~400fps about 8/10 times, he did spend some time dialing in. But nm that even at 50m, which is well withing airsoft rifle range your accuracy is going to be shit compared to rs. And no amount of rifle upgrade will fix it because a sphere is a bad aerodynamic shape and generates lots of drag/vortexes which add a significant element of error for such a light projectile. My point being is people use cheap china dots for plinking with success when they dont break/hold zero, doubt you need more accuracy than that for airsoft and reliability is not as much of a concern with lack of recoil.
My opinion is people are being gear whores for no good reason. Yes an expensive red dot has a finer and crisper dot but when has that mattered for airsoft where you are in sub 100m range. Then again, this is a hobby and if you have money to spend on rs rds then why not? Just don't bash cheap stuff as automatically bad, most of it is but there are exceptions.