Thread: Cyma ak
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Old September 28th, 2015, 14:17   #4
Join Date: Oct 2006
Forgot to mention too, that when you're talking CYMA AKs, then you need to be aware that there are 2 design types, "Tokyo Marui" style and "VFC" style.

Tokyo Marui style is the older design pioneered by Tokyo Marui that basically holds the front assembly together with the body by 4 screws that are screwed into the bottom of the body.

VFC style is more in line with real steel AK construction and holds everything together using pins and set screws.

The CYMA CM042 and 046 both use Tokyo Marui style while the CM048 uses VFC style.

Some would argue VFC is better than TM, but the big difference is that TM style AKs tend to have less steel components, which usually leads to more frequent breaking of parts because they would instead be built using a zinc alloy or aluminum alloy. The design is not flawed or any better or worse than the VFC style in essence, but the quality of the materials is sometimes not as good.

On the plus side though, the external upgrade and accessory parts for TM style are pretty well universal with all TM style builds. External upgrades for VFC style builds are often proprietary and might require some fitting with files or a dremel if it's not designed specifically for that brand. VFC style however, can more easily accept real steel external parts.

Last edited by paulwes83; September 28th, 2015 at 14:37..
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