I've worked on far less Krytac AEGs than VFC because they are very new to the Canadian market. Krytac actually has a higher lemon/failure rate than VFC 2015. That's not to say Krytac is bad by any means, they are some of the best stock guns on the market. I've only seen one broken Krytac and one defective one. I've seen broken tappet plates, stripped pistons and occasional burned out contacts in VFCs prior to their 2015 lineup. Their 2015 lineup has a better tappet and piston, I have yet to see one fail. I have seen one or two of their 2015 lineup with burned out contacts, but their 2015 H&K 416 and M27 gearboxes come with a MOSFET wired in as well. I have yet to see one of those gearboxes fail.