Thread: Where to Start?
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Old September 6th, 2015, 22:44   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Mississauga
Where to Start?

Hello everyone

Two weeks ago I played my first Airsoft game (indoor venue here in TO) and I loved it. I had a complete blast and I am now all in. For the last little bit I have been researching Airsoft in Canada, but my research has been mostly focused on safely, legal and the footprint in my local community. (I was not going to end up on a No Fly list because of a hobby) After playing a couple times, I am now beginning to research my first gun purchase. This is where i need your help.

I am completely overwhelmed by the models and makes that are available and I do not know where to begin. I have read the relevant stickies about selecting your first gun. However, a lot of the reviews of guns that I am finding are a number of years old. When I go to a local retailer's website they have numerous companies listed... many of which I cannot find a review for on this forum.

1) I am a complete moron when it comes to tinkering with stuff (switching a light bulb in my house gets high-fives kind of thing) so I would like my first gun to be very reliable out of the box.

2) I am willing to pay for quality. I understand I am looking at a nice little "investment". I enjoyed reading Kanuk's post but his budget seemed to be restrictive.

3) I think doing outdoor all day sims sounds amazing but so far i have only rocked the indoor close quarters arenas. Sleeping outdoors is my version of hell so sounds like MiliSims aren't going to be my thing. Is it possible to have a gun that is versatile enough to play at both types of events? So far my research has been a resounding no.

4) I have purchased good eye protection and excellent boots

5)So far my research has identified VFC, Krytac and G&P as companies to start with for an AEG. Any others?

I look forward to hearing your opinions on where to start. If you could identify specific threads for me to review that will be very helpful as well. Hopefully this post is appropriate and doesn't commit any faux pas.

Thank you!
That's what.
- She

... yes carfag is part of my actual name...
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