Thread: Tactical boots
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Old September 5th, 2015, 13:31   #7
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Calgary, AB
Rocky S2Vs are available in coyote brown and a wide size. I have what I consider to be wide feet and the regular width S2V fits me with a little room to spare. The S2Vs are expensive but they will last (Vibram soles and triple stitching) while cheaper boots (SWAT, 5.11) will have a worn out sole in much less time than you'd like.

FWIW I avoid boots with a Goretex lining because once the membrane becomes dirty (mostly with salt from perspiration) there is no way to effectively clean it and it will actually wick moisture through to your feet. Any waterproof breathable membrane is only effective as long as you keep it clean (wash a lot and dry it hot is the care regime). Salt deposits from evaporation are the number one enemy of any waterproof breathable fabric which is why such products are not recommended for use in salt water environments.

Every single pair of Goretex lined boots I have owned has started to leak at some point (some sooner than one would expect). I personally prefer Goretex socks as they are easy to wash to ensure continued water repellency.

That being said, Keens are pretty awesome boots (I own three pairs) and they use wider lasts than most vendors.
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