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Old September 2nd, 2015, 20:40   #5
a.k.a. Greedy
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Toronto
The only thing you need to play is a gun, battery, bb's and eye/face protection. Most new players (understandably) want to show up in full gear looking the part, but that's not necessarily the best idea. I would strongly recommend you play a few games before you buy any BDU's or tac gear. Depending on where you play you may be able to rent a gun for your first game. Everyone uses different gear and setups which are tailored to their individual preferences and play style. Go see what other people have and get an idea of what will work for you before you buy anything. Fondle different gun models (AK, M4, SIG, P90 etc) to see what you like and what is comfortable for you to operate and shoulder. Ask questions, most guys love to show off their kit. The first piece of gear I bought was a big plate carrier which I wore two or three times before I decided a smaller lighter chest rig was much better suited to what I wanted, $130+tax to waste. The other reason to hold off for a little is because if you end up on a team, they may wear a specific camo pattern and gear colour, which Murphy's Law states will most certainly be different from what you have already chosen.

Get yourself a good gun, battery, charger and eye/face protection. A shitty wall charger will fry your batteries and cost you much more in the long run, the Imax B6 is a decent charger for the price, a little more expensive the ONYX 235 is a very good charger. For eye/face pro I like a mesh mask paired with full seal ballistic goggles (revision desert locust are a good example). As far as gun goes, it really depends on what model you want. Decide what model of gun you want then look into which manufacturers make that model.

Best brands in two most popular models:
M4: Krytac or VFC. You can't go wrong with either of these, I would place Krytac a little above VFC right now. Both are terrific stock guns.

AK: LCT or E&L. Both are good guns with very nice externals, I would put LCT ahead of E&L. Realsword also makes very nice AK's but maybe a little too expensive and hard to find for a noob.

Last edited by Kozzie; September 3rd, 2015 at 06:06..
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