Originally Posted by Conker
Back on topic:
- Hectic, no matter how you put it, it is illegal. If it goes through anyway means it passed thru a crack, not that it's legal. Some things are in a grey zone; this isn't.
- AEPs are terrible.
- These electric Glocks shoot around 280 FPS, maybe 300 with a tightbore and better hopup. Still way under the 360 FPS threshold.
Just out of curiosity have you used an AEP?
Very consistent
Decent ROF
Insane numbers of shots to a 7.4v lipo
Fairly easy to work on
High Ammo Capacity
Cheap Magazines
Low FPS (when did this become a con?)
Limited upgrades
No Blow Back
Stock battery sucks.
So yeah, if you buy a stock AEP they kinda suck. But slap in a few upgrades and a 7.4v lipo (no harder that wiring a gun/bettery to deans) and suddenly you have a monster of a pistol. I have gone up against Full size AEG's and won with my Cyma G18c.