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Old July 16th, 2015, 03:42   #297
ShadowTwoSix's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Langley, British Columbia
"Impressions" VS "Inspired by"

Originally Posted by ravan318 View Post
So if I build a hybrid like that, it will still be considered "accurate" right?

Also, if my C8A3 has the rail system without the delta ring (or other forms of it), will that still be considered acceptable?

The thing with impressions comes down to how you tout the kit in question.

An example is my "IUR inspired" build. Since first seeing the LAV images of the CANSOF rifle, I reluctantly have to come to grips with the fact that I will not be able to build a perfectly accurate re-incarnation of that rifle. The reason is that there is no Colt Canada IUR upper for airsoft (which still saddens me LOL). Therefore, I have chosen to build it a close as I can making it appear as similar as possible but I'm not going to go around calling it a C8 IUR because simply put... it's not. Hence the "inspired" description.

Some day I hope to get it right even if that means designing and machining a rail system that when attached to an AEG upper, properly mimics an IUR. Time & money will tell.

In the mean time, build your blaster the way you want to. Just know that if you decide to pass it off as particular model/replica when it's clearly not, you're going to get called out by more experienced players.
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