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Old July 6th, 2015, 23:03   #1
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Location: Pickering/Toronto
Question Realistic Pricing of AEGs

Been browsing the AV'd classifieds lately as well as several of my local facebook groups that post trades/sales of AEGs.

I've been bothered by the feeling that a lot of people price their AEGs way too high. I mean sure, maybe your gun has some super-kewl EOTech sight and a living-room worth of magpul furniture, but come on, is your gun really worth THAT much?

The formula I see a lot of people using tends to be: (Base price of Gun + price spent on replacement parts) +/- 10% = resale price

My thought is that unless you're giving me all the parts you took out when you modified your gun, upgraded parts shouldn't count towards additional value, but only help a gun retain its value. This is different if you're adding something the gun didn't have before, like a mosfet or external attachments, but even then, it's used so don't expect to sell for near-retail value.

Given how much wear and tear airsoft equipment experiences, even after a few uses, it scares me how much some people ask.

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