Thread: Vector stuff
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Old June 17th, 2015, 14:05   #3
redzaku's Avatar
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Location: Edmonton
Originally Posted by alchemy View Post
propane or CO2? Freezing inside, like you can actually see frost or severe condensation on the parts? Is it possible you're overfilling the mags and maybe this thing uses a lot of gas on each shot so by overfilling you're actually letting some liquid propellant out? That would certainly freeze...
how do you over fill a gas mag? when you fill it up, you are basically balancing the pressure in the magazine with the bottle of gas, and when it equalize, you can't fill it more
maybe its time you research up some more on gbb and science and should not be giving out help if you don't know a thing about it

maybe slow the rate of fire down?
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Coffee, what purpose does these serve?
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Last edited by redzaku; June 17th, 2015 at 15:26..
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