With the perfection of GBBR technology, there really isn't a point to developing an "EM gearbox" for airsoft. Airsoft has been divided into two camps, and neither would buy the product;
"The Huddled Masses" Poor uni students, mcjob employees, people living in their parents basements and the ignorant; these are the types that still use electric guns. Lacking disposable income or a desire for realism, not likely to "poney up the dough" for an expensive EM propulsion system; and
"The Bourgeois Airsofter" Blue or white collar professional with disposable income, desire for realism in the game. Fields primarily GBBR or highend electric guns such as systemas. Lack of realism of your proposed mechanism wouldn't appeal, nor would this group be eager to ditch their expensive investment into what they have already bought to switch over.