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Old January 2nd, 2015, 14:20   #1
WinnipegDragon's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg
Diving in with two feet... What next?

Thanks to the advice I've read here, as well as from local Manitoba groups on FB I've jumped right in on this stuff.

I've mail-ordered in an ICS G33 from Mach1 (thanks to some great Boxing Day prices), as well as doing some local shopping:

I plan to add a flashlight to the 1911 for indoor CQB play and a red dot or ACOG on the G33.

I think I need to look at outdoor footwear and BDU as well, but then what? Expand my rig I imagine? I'm just looking for some advice about a smart purchase order so that I'm ready to play outdoors in the spring at this point.

Thanks for any and all advice!
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