Good suggestions. We'll probably stay away from ladders though, as that would be a huge risk. Good suggestions so far.
FPS by the way will stay where it is until further notice. If the field begins to favor tighter engagement distances with the renovations, perhaps we'll bring it down a notch. So far we haven't had any complaints or enough of them to drop the fps.
So here's the prob. We're open Wed-Sun. That gives us 2 days to make Ontario's greatest indoor airsoft field even better. We may have to shave our Wed and Thurs hours on the week we choose to unleash hell.
We may as well have another Grand Opening. Dish out some door prizes, free pizza for everyone, and maybe if there's time, we'll even play some airsoft!
We'll keep you posted, but keep the ideas coming in the meantime.
There is still our big announcement coming. We'll save that for the New Year.
Originally Posted by CLLouis
Possibility of building a two storey wood mansion across from the two storey building?
More two storey buildings interconnecting on building to another?
Access to second level in the existing two storey building instead of the ends (i.e. stairs in the middle/wood ladders)