Thread: Pts mkm gbbr
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Old November 19th, 2014, 09:41   #6
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: St-Hubert, Qc
I got the Asian version of the Magpul edition LM4 with

Mags are heavy as duck at 1.6lbs each but sturdy and add to realism
The stanags are supposed to be lighter

I found leaks to be easy to fix personally, at least on the pMags

Construction is solid, receiver is (or close to) twice as thick as my We M4. The only thing is that the upper receiver is made in three parts: two halves and the rail. Some people had issues because of this apparently, mine is solid as rock still and no wobble out anything. I don't know if the Mkm is made the same way

Recoil is great, fps consistent enough (with npas, considered it's gas), all in all a great gun. Didn't get much issues with mine in two years gaming it (and I bought it used)

And (shameless plug) btw I'm selling mine to fund other things :P
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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