Originally Posted by pusangani
Well they've gone from round to squarish, the next logical step is to add
Alpha 9 by Alpha Dog Silencers

That's gross....
At any rate; the MK23 NBB isn't the only gun I have seen a silencer silence, or extremely quiet down. There are many springer rilfes, a bunch of AEGs, and even a few GBBRs that I've seen go either near silent, or very quiet with the addition of a silencer. A teammate of mine had a CA G36, and from twenty feet away, you couldn't hear it whatsoever. I saw another video somewhere on YouTube of a guy testing different silencers on several airsoft guns. At extreme close range they didn't appear to make a difference, but at distance they certainly did. In many cases the sound was lessened by more than half. The thing is, they do add overall length to your gun. So unless you can stay concealed, they won't really help you. John used to shoot a bunch of us with his G36, and we wouldn't even hear it.
I have seen the Osprey, or an extremely similar product, at stores in Canada. Airsoft versions I mean.