How Long Should a Milsim Be - 18hr or 12hr
Lets face it - its no mystery that 18 hour milsims seem to be too long for the average shooter.
I'm also hard pressed to believe that those who are the drivers stay up all night without catching 40 winks at some point - and when you do the math, that can take numbers out of the game for however long.
Also - for the hardcore roughnecks who give it their all, all night long - nothing is more frustrating than finding someone to actually shoot when you're on the prowl and 'aint shit in sight.
Which leads me to my overall question which might help some hosts out(to which there are few these days!! I really miss some of the older ones, but that's a different subject all together)
How long should a milsim be? What would work better for people?
I've been to 12 hour milsims that were near flawless, it was brilliant. Im all for it and it prevents a lot of the mishaps and drop outs and any of the other shit that comes with 18hr or longer. IMO
Feel free to discuss and talk shop.
Last edited by Rabbit; September 26th, 2014 at 14:11..