Originally Posted by waylander
you don't typically have time to do anything. Unplugging doesn't stop the chemical reaction when it starts
I keep a bucket of sand near where I charge but I always charge in a lipo bag.
Sand sounds like an awesome suggestion! Although I still wonder why you'd bother if you insist that you don't have time to *use* it
I think you mis-read my comment about unplugging - that was because the *charger* was frying, and unplugging it would have helped, at least to stop it from continuing. Still would have had to use the sand or dragged it away from flammable materials of course.
The video is cool, but realize it's "zoomed in" and looks worse than it would if sitting in the middle of a concrete floor. When mine went up, luckily, there was plenty of smoking first and so I did have time to stop it, but again, only if you're there to notice...
Agree on transporting in something solid, they're usually easy to keep safe as long as there's nothing that can squish / deform / puncture them.
Cheers all